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07/05/2016 BOS Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 7/19/2016_by a vote of  3-0  
                                                                                            (Selectmen Limanek & Kenney absent)
7:00 p.m. – July 5, 2016
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
        Chairman John Hebert, Vice-Chair Paul Maynard, Selectmen Jesse Limanek, David Hall & Michael Kenney  
        Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Forum: no comments

Vice Chair Maynard motions to accept minutes as read from the 06/21/2016 BOS meeting; Selectman Limanek 2nds passes 5-0

FY16 Yearend transfers: TA Smith is requesting under MGL Chapter 44 Section 33B approval of the attached transfers for FY16. The total amount requested is $14,804. Selectman Hall states that overall these are very small minor items. This represents a job well done. Excellent budgeting work, this is just the vagaries of budgeting. Vice Chair Maynard feels it is all self-explanatory but asks for clarification on the street light account. Selectman Limanek says most of these items are small numbers when you consider the amount of the overall budget. Selectman Limanek asks TA Smith if there is anything out of the ordinary from years past, TA Smith replies that budgeting is an imperfect science, this year there was a leap day which some clerical line items did not account for. Selectman Kenney agrees there are some unforeseen things when dealing with a budget, great job overall. Chairman Hebert congratulates TA Smith, Tim Harrison and the Dept. Heads for being very concise and careful. Selectman Kenney motions to approve as presented FY16 Year End Transfers Selectman Hall seconds passes 5-0.

PILOT Agreement-Clean Energy Collection LLC:  TA Smith says this is for a 1.3 MW facility at 80 Worc-Prov Tpk. This was an article at the Fall Town meeting and passed unanimously, this is the final step in the process. It is for a period of 25 years with an annual payment to the town of $13,838. Selectman Hall asks if it has been reviewed by Town Council, TA Smith replies yes, Kopelman & Paige reviewed as well as our consultant Mike Daley. TA Smith explains that the amount of this PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) is a technical calculation of the previous 25 years of taxes with a projected 2.5% increase. Selectman Limanek thanked TA Smith for his explanation of what a PILOT is as well as the rate adjustments. Selectman Kenney questions the 1.3 capacity and if there would be adjustments, TA Smith replied it would be up to the company to come back before the BOS if there are any changes. Selectman Limanek motions to authorize the Chairman to sign the PILOT agreement between Clean Energy Collection, LLC and the Town of Sutton as voted at the Fall 2015 Town Meeting with an annual payment of $13,838.00 for a 25 year period, Vice Chair Maynard seconds passes 5-0

TA Update:
  • State Budget process: House & Senate funded the UGGA at what we budgeted; Ch. 70 was increased from our $20. Per student to $55. Per student. The Kindergarten development grant was eliminated.  
  • Green Communities grant award: Sutton was awarded $121,000. to complete energy efficient upgrades. Thank you to Doreen DeFazio for her continued work on this.
  • Village Center Zoning: 1st meeting was held on June 15th, the next meeting is July 7th at 6:30pm. The BOS are invited to attend.
  • Goals meeting scheduled for July 27th at 6pm: Blackstone Natl.
  • Walmart Sewer: copy of IMA enclosed, it will go before the Sewer Commissioners and then on to the BOS.
Announcements/Round Table/ Correspondence/Business Topics:

  • Vice-Chair Maynard notes that the new asphalt on Stone School Road looks great, nice job. Paul reads the needs of the Sutton Food Pantry.

7:35 pm    Selectman Hall motions to adjourn, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0